Clean & Green
Clean & Green is a project based in St Andrews which was set up by BID St Andrews.
The need for this project was identified by the businesses in the BID area and is being delivered by St Andrews Environmental Network by a team of 2 full time staff members.
Clean & Green
What We Do
The Clean & Green team work full-time around St. Andrews with many projects.
Throughout the current COVID pandemic the team has increased the number of litter picks it carries out around the town, the frequency of washing the bins, and undertaken the regular cleaning of the benches with an anti-virus wash.
Working alongside Bloom – to deliver floral and winter light displays for the town and harbour areas, mainly manual labour at peak times.
East Sands & Harbour area tidy ups
Daily patrols of the Bruce Embankment to remove rubbish and maintain cleanliness.
Town centre inspections - Walk round, trouble shooting, reporting & monitoring issues.
The removal of Graffiti, stickers and out of date notices.
Liaising with businesses.
Encouraging behavioural changes, resulting in reduced waste throughout the town.
Student Collections: collecting unwanted items from students in private rented accommodation, sorting items, giving items away for re-use to students or charities.
Providing logistical support of other town groups such as St Andrews Men’s Shed, St Andrews in Bloom, North East Fife Community Hub and Transition University of St Andrews.
The team assist with the set up etc. of events e.g. St Andrews Day Celebrations and Harbour Gala.
Keeping our town and beaches clean
Graffiti and sticker removal
Providing logistical support of other town groups